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ABTA Lifeline provides financial grants for people who have worked in the travel industry and are suffering real financial hardship.
It helps those who work or have worked for an ABTA member or other organisations with the travel industry who are engaged in the sale of ABTA products.
The charity is able to support the person, their partner and their family.
Lifeline are able to help with:
There are detailed factsheets on the website with more details on funding options and conditions.
To apply: download an application form or email for a form.
The Ambulance Staff Charity (TASC)
The Ambulance Staff Charity supports current and retired Ambulance Services personnel and their families at times of difficulty or urgent needs.
It is open to ambulance staff working in the NHS and the independent sector ambulance services in the UK.
The charity is able to provide welfare advice on a variety of topics including:
Financial support is dependent on individual circumstances but it does have a broad eligibility criteria:
The charity also offers a physiotherapy service of physical rehabilitation, mental health support via The Police Treatment Centres and bereavement support for families where ambulance staff have died in service.
To apply:
Telephone: 0800 1032 999
Auto Cycle Union (ACU) Benevolent Fund
The ACU is the National Governing Body for motorcycle sport in the British Isles (except Northern Ireland.
It supports members and their families at times of extreme difficulty.
It supplies grants monthly to supplement small incomes.
Each centre has a least one Centre Benevolent Fund Officer (CBFO) to obtain information for Fund committee. There is a list of CBFO's in each area on the website.
The Bank Workers Charity provides practical and financial support to individuals and their families who work or have worked in the banking industry.
To find out more contact the Bank Workers Charity direct on 0800 0234 834 to talk to one of their advisers.
BEN - The Automotive Industry Charity
BEN is able to provide assistance to people (and their close dependents) in financial need who worked or are working in the motor or allied industries.
It offers financial assistance and advice on a range of issues such as debt management and budgeting.
The Drinks Trust is the trade charity that helps and supports current and former employees of the drinks industry and their families.
To be eligible for support you must have worked in the drink industry for at least 2 years or 20% of your working life.
It offers on-going and one-off emergency grants to help toward financial hardship, illness life changing disability, unemployment or a family crisis.
This might include funding towards home adaptations, palliative holidays, private treatment and legal advice.
The charity also provides practical support to help access benefits, counselling and specialist agencies.
To apply: complete on online form under the "Access Support" tab on the website for an initial assessment.
PC David Rathbone's The Blue Lamp Foundation supports members of the three UK Emergency Services and their families.
It provides support to relieve financial hardship among ambulance, police or fire service personnel injured in the course of their duty. This includes their families and dependents
The Book Trade Charity provides support to individuals who have worked in the book trade.
It offers a wide range of grants to help with:
To apply: download one of the grant application forms.
The Care Workers Charity supports current, former and retired care professionals.
It provides help for those who have either:
And have limited savings and resources.
The charity is able to assist with:
To apply: In the first instance you are asked to consider other forms of assistance before downloading an application form.
Supporting evidence will be required.
It also provides advice and guidance on state support and links with debt counsellors.
The Cavell Nurses Trust supports nurses, midwives, health care assistants both retired and working.
To apply applicants must be or have been:
It is able to help with:
Applications must be supported by an appropriate professional or organisation such as a GP, social worker or Citizens Advice.
Financial information will be required as the applicant must not have savings of more than £4,000.
To apply: download an application form and further details from the website.
The Charity for Civil Servants
The Charity for Civil Servants is able to support past and present Civil Servants including their financial dependents.
It is able to help with:
To apply: Telephone: 0800 056 2424 or email:
The Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation (CISWO)
CISWO is a UK wide charity providing support to former coal miners and their families.
Support is provided though a personal welfare service to mineworkers, their wives, partners, widows and any dependent children with a disability.
Their free and confidential services include:
To find out more about the services and support available through the online form or email
The Electrical Charity provides practical support services and financial relief to all employees, past employees and/or dependants of employees of the electrical and electronic industry.
It offers a number of programmes:
To apply: download the application form from the website or
Email : or
Telephone: 0800 652 1618
The Furniture Makers Charity supports the welfare of past and present employers in the furnishing industry.
It is able to provide financial grants and advice:
To qualify for support you must be a UK resident and have worked in the furnishing industry in the UK for a minimum of two years.
This includes companies manufacturing/supplying furniture, kitchens or bathrooms; furniture stores such as DFS, Ikea, Argos, carpet sales or fitting, beds, curtains and upholstery.
To apply: Click the Apply Now button on the website and download an application form. This will require employment history and details of current income and expenditure. Supporting documentation will be required.
The George Stephen Charity provides help to farm workers in England or their dependents.
Single grants up to a maximum of £1,000 can be made for the purchase of essential household items. This includes washing machines, telephones and furnishings for the home.
All applications must be submitted through a third party such as a GP, Social Services, British Legion, Farming Community Network.
To apply: contact the Addington Fund. Email:
The Grace Wyndham Goldie (BBC) Trust
The Grace Wyndham Goldie (BBC) Trust Fund provides assistance for people currently or previously in broadcasting or an associated activity, their children and dependants.
It offers help towards educational costs and grants to relieve short term domestic hardship. This might include grants towards school uniform, books and help towards gaining a professional or trade qualification.
To apply: use the online form. Applications are considered each September and applications must arrive no later than 31st July.
Details of income and expenditure are required.
The Grand Order of Water Rats provides supports members, their families and show business colleagues.
It has helped performers and their dependants who, because of old age or disability are unable to work.
Email: for further information.
Grocery Aid operated by the National Grocers' Benevolent Fund helps people who are working or have worked full or part-time in the grocery industry.
It offers Crisis grants and Hardship grants. More recently they have included Financial grants for colleagues impacted by the Ukrainian crisis.
Financial evidence such as household income will be required.
They have previously funded domestic appliances, electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, stairlifts and recliner chairs.
To apply: complete the online application form.
Healthcare Workers' Foundation
The Healthcare Workers' Foundation offers financial support to healthcare workers who are experiencing exceptional financial hardship.
It has two funds:
The funds are open to UK healthcare workers currently in employment.
If you have a disability you will need to provide evidence such as a letter from your GP.
To apply: complete the online forms.
Hospitality Action offers assistance to anyone who has worked or currently works in the hospitality industry in the UK.
It's Employee Assistance Programme provides a range of services from legal guidance, counselling and financial planning.
Grants are available for those with limited savings who have worked in the UK or Northern Ireland.
It offers the following grants:
All applications must be supported by an independent third party. Documentary evidence and proof of work history will be required.
The Junius S Morgan Benevolent Fund
The Fund was set up to help practicing or former nurses in financial need. Applicants must have worked a minimum of 5 years after registration.
It is able to award grants up to a maximum of £1,500 for items such household bills and decoration, walk-in baths, electric wheelchairs, and stair lifts.
To apply: download an application form. All forms must be submitted through a third party such as a social worker, care worker or Citizens Advice Bureau who must support the application. Financial information is required.
The Licensed Trade Charity helps people who work or have working in pubs, bars and breweries when they are in need of help.
It is able to offer financial support to individuals who have worked in a pub, car or supporting role within the UK for five continuous years or more. This may be securing somewhere to live by paying rent and deposit, essential furniture or help with disability aids.
It will also consider the dependent or partner and their families. this could include grants for school transport, laptops, learning aids, advocacy for SEN appeals and learning aids.
The charity also offers educational scholarships.
To apply: download an application form from the website and return with supporting documentation.
The Lighthouse Club offers financial and emotional support to the construction community and their families who are in financial need or have suffered an injury or long term illness.
It is able to provide:
For further information telephone the Construction Industry Helpline:
0345 609 1956
The NASUWT (the Teachers Union) Benevolent Fund is able to help with short term assistance during difficult times.
Financial support is available to members, former members ,and dependants of deceased members who have paid a subscription to the Union.
Evidence of individuals income and expenditure will be required when completing the application form. The fund is unable to help those with savings over £5,000.
To apply: contact your local association secretary.
The National Caravan Council (NCC) Benevolent Fund was established to help current, past or retired employees who have been involved in the caravan industry.
It is able to help with small grants for those in financial difficulty for unexpected bills, heating or building alterations.
To apply: download the application form and send to:
The Ben Fund (formally the North West Police Benevolent Fund) supports existing officers and retired officers together with their dependents who are in need, hardship or distress.
It funds officers from:
Support is only available to members of the fund.
It is able to assist with:
To apply: You must be a member. Use the online forms.
Police Care UK provides financial support to police officers and their families where the police officer has been killed or injured while on duty.
Dependants may be spouses, partners and children. This may also include elderly parents, other relatives, and foster/adoptive/step children.
There are a number of grant schemes:
To apply: contact the organisation for an application form or telephone:020 8941 6907 or use the on-line contact form.
It also looks after The National Police Fund which has a similar criteria.
The Printing Charity supports printers and their families. This includes anyone involved in printing, paper, publishing, packaging and graphics sectors.
It offers grants to support people in need from unexpected emergencies to everyday essentials. It is open to those who are in work, unemployed or retired from the sectors.
It has previously helped with the cost of mobility scooters, wellbeing, household items (including white goods), bereavement support, housing and home repairs.
To apply: download the application form on the website. Household financial information will be required and details of employment history.
In addition, the charity also offers a signposting service to other agencies and sheltered homes in Basildon and Bletchley for print people in their retirement.
The Professionals Aid Guild (PAG) helps professionals and graduates in the UK.
It offers financial assistance to each of the following groups:
The Guild is able to help with living expenses, a contribution towards white goods and furniture, essential clothing, household repairs and a contribution towards care home or respite care.
For children PAG is able to help with the cost of school uniforms, stationery, travel costs and extra tuition.
To apply: Either complete the enquiry form on the website or download the form and email to
Alternatively, post to the Administration Department, Professionals Aid Guild, 10 St Christopher’s Place, London, W1U 1HZ
The charity will also send you a copy in the post.
The Queen's Nursing Institute (QNI)
The QNI helps working and retired nurses who are experiencing financial hardship.
This may include physical or mental illness or some other life difficulty.
It has previously helped with car adaptations, living expenses and utility bills.
To apply: download an application form from the website.
The organisation is also able to offer small educational grants for accredited courses and modules in community nursing.
Nurses in Scotland should apply to the QNI Scotland.
The RBF supports current and former railway workers and their families through the relief of short and long term poverty.
It also provides support and advice.
Financial assistance is available towards housing debts, family welfare, unforeseen emergencies as well as other financial hurdles families may face.
To apply: download an application form from the website or telephone: 0345 241 2885
Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis.
It has also recently relaunched its Energy Support Fund due to the increased cost of living in the UK. It offers a maximum grant of £200 to support railway people and their families with the cost of their energy.
Applicants must have a gross annual household income of less than £40,000 and have less than £3,000 of saving (single person) and £5,000 (couple). It is open to current, former and retired railway workers.
The RCN Foundation supports current and former nurses, midwives and health care assistants, as well as students and nursing associates.
It is able to offer:
The Foundation's Lamplight Support Service provides a telephone advice and information for nursing team members facing hardship.
It is able to advise on government benefits and other support services. Following this you may be offered a hardship grant - supporting financial documents will be required.
To talk to a Lamplight Support advisor telephone:
0345 772 6100 (for RCN members)
0345 772 6200 (for non RCN members)
Lines are open 8:30am - 8:30pm, seven days a week
The Retail Trust supports people who work or have worked in the retail industry.
They are able to offer short term financial assistance through their Hardship Grants.
Applicants must have had at least two years working in retail if retired or still working in the industry. Working age applicants not working in the industry must have had 5 years continuous employment in retail.
The Trust has previously helped with the cost of disability aids and equipment, funeral costs, council tax arrears, essential household furniture, food vouchers, help with heating bills, bankruptcy and debt relief order fees and respite breaks.
To apply: complete the online grant form.
Advice and information on budgeting and legal matters is also available.
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)
RABI supports members of the farming community in financial need or distress in England and Wales.
The organisation helps all ages (including children) living on low income. It awards quarterly and seasonal grants, TV licence fees (to the under 75s) telephone rental costs, hampers or flowers for Christmas/birthdays and holidays.
It will also help in the purchase of household items, white goods, electrically powered mobility vehicles and other disability aids.
Their Gateway Scheme provides funding for skills training and development to help improve an individuals financial future.
To find out more about the grants telephone their confidential helpline on 0808 281 9490 or e-mail:
You can also write to the Head of Welfare, RABI, Shaw House, 27 West Way, Oxford, OX2 0QH.
Scottish applicants should contact RSABI
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RNBF) is the UK charity for doctors, medical students and their families.
It is able to provide financial support and money to those in need of support through illness, disability, injury, bereavement or age.
The charity is able to help GMC registered doctors with:
Financial help is available for medical students currently studying medicine who are experiencing financial hardship caused by ill health, disability or bereavement.
Refugee doctors may be helped with a one off award if they are unable to support themselves financially.
To apply: email help@rmbf or call 020 8540 9194 (option 1) to talk to the Casework team.
The Royal Theatrical Fund provides financial support to those in or retired from the entertainment profession.
It offers help to those who are unable to work due to illness, injury or age. To apply complete the online form on the page "Apply for Help".
It also mhas an one off Emergency Crisis Grants for those who are unable to meet their essential needs.
Applicants must have worked in the profession at least 7 years and live in the UK. To apply download the application form on the page "Emergency Crisis Grant". Proof of benefits will be required.
The Royal Variety Charity supports people across the UK who have worked professionally in the entertainment industries.
It provides financial assistance for those who are experiencing financial hardship or difficulties as a result of illness or accidents. An application form can be downloaded from the website.
The charity also has a residential and nursing care home - Brinsworth House in Twickenham that provides respite as well as long term care.
TST provides financial help to people working or have retired from working in education for under 19s.
This includes nursery workers, teaching assistants. learning support staff, teachers, lunchtime supervisors and school administrators.
It's aim is to help people stay independent and out of financial hardship with advice and financial support.
It has previously funded car repairs, heating bills, rent, repair bills, carpets and furniture.
To apply:
Telephone:01322 293 822 or
The Theatrical Guild supports backstage and front of house staff in the theatre industry.
It helps individuals in the UK recover from ill health or injury, sudden set backs and mental health support. It offers financial grants. welfare guidance or counselling.
To apply: Complete the online form on the website.
Timber Trades' Benevolent Society (TTBS)
The TTBS supports individuals who have worked in the timber trade industry in the UK for at least 10 years (or 5 years in exceptional circumstances)
It assists those employed by companies engaged in the trading and distribution of wood based products. Applicants must also be in receipt of low income and have minimal savings.
The criteria does not include joinery manufacturers, kitchen and bedroom manufacturers, boat builders, carpenters and joiners or Forestry operatives.
Support may include a regular quarterly allowance, telephone rental, TV licence payments, a winter warmer fuel grant, Christmas and spring payments, luxury Christmas hampers and occasional respite and funeral grants, together with one off purchases of white goods and televisions
To apply: contact the TTBS for an application form.
Telephone: 08448 92 22 05
or Email:
Unison, the public service union may be able to support its members with financial assistance through its "There for You" grant programme.
Applications are assessed on "unforeseen" hardship. This might include:
To apply: download the application form and guidance from the website. Information about your finances will be required.
The Unite the Union Benevolent fund assists members, former members, employees and ex employee of the Unite the Union Benevolent Fund who are in need, and their dependents.
The Union has members across the private, public and voluntary sectors including public services, transport, manufacturing, food, finance and construction.
It is able to help with one-off grants and free legal services.
To apply: download an application form from the website. It will ask for details of your income, savings and capital.
The Benevolent Fund for Nurses in Scotland
Fashion and Textile Children's Trust
Perennial - for individuals who are working or have worked as gardeners, groundsmen, green keepers, tree surgeons or anything else where they get their hands dirty working with plants
Scottish Police Benevolent Fund
TACT (The Actors Children's Trust)
If your occupation isn't listed have a look at the Members Directory provided by the Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO). This is the National body for trusts and foundations that provide grants and welfare support to individuals in need.
Assistance may also be available for members or former members of Trade Unions. A full list of Trade Unions can be seen on the TUC website.