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The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund provides funding to registered charities working with children or adults with severe learning difficulties and Autism.
It's General Grants programme considers applications for capital and revenue costs for specific projects and general running/core funding. The charity normally only funds one-off grants (from £250 upwards) but new projects may be funded for two or three years.
Work that falls within the Fund's policy includes:
To apply for the General Grants: complete the online form. Application deadlines in any year are:
The Small Grants programme offers grants up to a maximum of £5,000. Applications for these grants are usually considered on a monthly basis.
Follow your Dreams helps young people with Learning Difficulties reach their full potential.
It is able to:
Our groups consist of children, young people and older adults with mainly learning disabilities, but some with physical disabilities. Also, siblings, young carers, carers, parents and guardians.
The Forbes Charitable Foundation supports adults with learning difficulties.
It mainly supports small and medium sized organisations for capital expenditure and some revenue expenditure. Grants are usually under £5,000.
Applications for capital expenditure might include:
Revenue grants are limited to holidays for learning disabled adults and the costs of training towards employment.
Applications are only accepted from 1st January to 31st March and should be made to the Secretary of the Trustees.
An application and guidance notes for applications can be downloaded from the website.
The Action Group (holidays, Scotland only)
Happy Days Charity (holidays)
Yellow Submarine (supported holidays)